"Adl va Ensaf" Comparative Law Researches Quarterly

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Student, Private Law Group, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch.


The necessity of respecting the contract is to fulfill its obligations, so that failure to perform contractual obligations guarantees several performances, the most important of which is the compulsory and termination of the transaction in the legal system of Iran and Islamic jurisprudence. For example, the enforcement of the sentence or order from the court Or other law enforcement agencies that oblige the person to carry out an objective investigation of what he has undertaken, or in the event of a refusal to comply with a warrant or order, by a court with his or her legal remedies through enforcement agents or third parties, or if the obligation is committed by the person concerned With physical and financial pressures, he has to force him to fulfill his obligation The burden, which forms the most important part of the present article, is in direct and indirect fashion, and these two types of coercion are distinct according to the subject of engagement And in cases where a vested party has a direct obligation to do so, and the vendor can only demand his indemnity through indirect coercion, and if he fails to fulfill the obligation, he will be obliged to terminate the committed area, so for the importance of the matter In this article, after mentioning, we will give a general overview of the concept of commitment and types of commitment to the validity of the subject as contractual obligations, and will conclude


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